Policy Statement For Equal Employment Opportunity

As Officers of Bud Mahas Construction, Inc., we affirm that the above policy reflects the attitude of the Company toward the principle of equal employment opportunity and that it is the obligation of each officer, manager and supervisor of the Company to conduct himself or herself in conformity with the principle of equal employment opportunity at all times. All employment activities, including, but not limited to, hiring promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff, discharge, rates of pay, overtime, or other forms of compensation and selection and training, including apprenticeship, shall be conducted in a non-discriminatory fashion.
Steve Mahas is the Company’s Equal Employment Opportunity Officer. In this capacity he will direct and implement the Company’s affirmative action program in conformity with the principle of equal employment opportunity. Any employee or applicant for employment who believes that he or she has not been accorded treatment conforming to the policy of equal employment opportunity is urged to contact Steve Mahas.
The Company will cooperate with the qualified minorities, females and handicapped persons to help develop their skill for participation in the construction industry, if this should apply.