Select Health is the provider of our health insurance.
Setting Up Email on Mobile Devices
If you need help setting up email on your phone, please contact Adam.
Profit Sharing, 401k, Roth 401k
The Company periodically makes voluntary contributions to a profit sharing plan of up to 15% of qualified wages and will match up to 4% on a 401k / Roth 401k. You are automatically enrolled in this plan upon your hire date. You will enter the plan on the first January 1 following your hire date. You may begin to make contributions to your 401k / Roth 401k beginning the first of the month after 60 days of employment. To qualify for a company profit sharing contribution you generally must be employed on January 1 and December 31 of the same year. The company contribution becomes yours based on years of service. After six years of service the company profit sharing contribution is 100% yours. Amounts you contribute to a 401k / Roth 401k are always yours, as is the company match portion.
You have the responsibility for making your own investment decisions from among the investment options provided by the Company. If you don’t make an investment election your funds will be deposited into the default fund which is a mutual fund appropriate for your age. Your funds will remain there until you make the choice to reinvest in the other available investments.
Participation in the 401k / Roth 401k portion of this benefit requires that you make an election to make contributions through payroll withholding. No contributions will be withheld from your check until this election is made. The election will remain unchanged unless you submit another election form to change your contribution.
You can access and manage your profit sharing / 401k / Roth 401k account managed by WC Administrators/Empower. Through their website you can make investments, receive retirement and investment education, view balances, apply for loans, etc. Click here for the plan summary description.
For investment advice please contact our designated investment advisor:
WC Administrators
Anton Brog or Robert Crawford
(801) 595-1100
Health Insurance
Select Health is the provider of our health insurance. Their website is quite useful in locating facilities, examining benefits provided by our policy, accessing claim history, etc. Click here to register and then login to view your personal account information, view claims, find a doctor and even refill a prescription.
Dustin Harper
[email protected]
Select Health Forms:
Select Med – Summary of Benefits
Select Value – Summary of Benefits
Enrollment and Change Form
Optum Bank Health Savings Account – H.S.A.
The Company contributes toward the healthcare costs of our employees by making voluntary contributions to health savings accounts for participants in the group health insurance plan. A health savings account is merely a separate bank account that you own. This account is yours. The balance is never forfeited and if you leave employment the balance and account go with you.
The balance grows through voluntary employee contributions through payroll withholding and voluntary company contributions. Employee contributions are elected by completing an election form. No employee deductions will be taken without providing an election form. If you wish to change or stop your election, please use the same form.
If you want to have online access to your Optum Bank HSA to view frequently asked questions (FAQ), view transactions, pay qualified medical expenses and view balances, etc. go to Optum Bank account manager. Go here to register.
Optum Bank Forms
Cafeteria Plan
The Company has a Cafeteria Plan in place to help employees save on qualified expenses. You do not have to participate in the group health insurance plan to use the Cafeteria Plan.
In this plan employees make pre-tax contributions to their account to be used for qualified dental/vision/medical expenses. For assistance with your cafeteria plan, contact the administrator via their website where you can check your cafeteria plan balance on line.
They also may be contacted at:
APA Benefits
8899 South 700 East, Suite 225
Sandy, UT 84070
Main Phone: (801) 561-4980
Toll Free: 888 311-7478
[email protected]
Online Payroll Access
If you have never logged into the payroll system before, complete the contact form below to request an account be setup for you. Include ‘payroll Eaccess’ in the subject line.
If you want to change your password or you have forgotten your password, reset your password here. A link will be emailed to the address on file. Click on the link in the email and you will be taken to a screen where you can change your password. LOGIN after you change your password.
Your username is the email address we have on file.
Mahas Construction wants the best for each employee, which includes sending each person home at the end of the day unharmed. We use a safety training app called Tyfoom, as well as on-site trainings as necessary. The app sends short videos to watch each day.
If you are having trouble downloading the app, logging in, or watching the assigned videos, call Adam Mahas or Steve Wise at the main office. Stay safe out there.
Company Documents