Payment Request Instructions

Follow these instructions to setup your email account on your device. Your device mail setup wizard may ask for this info in a different order than presented here, but all the info you need should be as shown below.

For easy access to your mailbox go to to the login link at the top right of the page. Select the ‘Mail’ link.

Follow these instructions to configure POP or IMAP email on devices. If you have more than 1 device (e.g. laptop, phone, tablet) then IMAP would generally be the best format. If you only download to 1 device then POP should be sufficient.

your email address (e.g. [email protected])
originally assigned by admin, you can change after logging in
Security type
POP / IMAP server (a common mistake is entering ‘www’ instead of ‘mail.)
Server port
POP = 110 / IMAP = 143

your email address (e.g. [email protected])
originally assigned by admin, you can change after logging in
Security type
POP server (this should be ‘smtp’, not ‘www’ or ‘mail’)
Server port
2525 for POP and IMAP

If you get stuck, just give Steve Wise a call at the main office.